Disconnecting from technology
Have you found yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone with no idea how much time has passed? Do you compare your life to the lives of the people you follow or are friends with on social media? You’re not alone in this. We are currently living in a technology-based world that has only become more prevalent during the pandemic. This has its benefits and detriments. We have the ability and power to find and consume more information than we ever thought was possible. The downside to this is our overexposure to information that is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid. Social media has had a profound impact on the ways in which we communicate with our peers, colleagues, and friends. It has allowed us to stay connected to people across the country and across the world. It has also had devastating effects on our mental and physical health. Rates of depression and anxiety are at an all-time high even though we’re more connected than ever.
If technology is so deeply embedded in our lives, especially now during the pandemic, then what is the solution? The solution is to be honest with ourselves, about how much time we are spending in front of screens. The solution is to create a healthier relationship with our devices by disconnecting from them more frequently and reconnecting with ourselves.
There can be an overwhelming pressure to post the best aspects of your life which can ultimately lead to comparison. “These types of social media-based social comparisons, however, may lead to negative outcomes, particularly as individuals present their most “ideal” selves on social media” (Mehdizadeh, 2010). Due to the vast amount of sharing we do, the intimate parts of people’s lives are being viewed for entertainment. The negative effects social media use can have on the mental health of its users and the increasing numbers of people using it to find worth on an individual level. On a community scale, the impacts have to do with our disconnect from the natural world, which also provides negative consequences. Creating a healthier relationship with your devices is something that can be accomplished within the therapeutic space, and I can help you with that!